Sydney is watching Mommy talk on the headset to Nana and Papa Joe.

Sydney got her first bath (from us) last night. This was taken shortly after we dried her off.
So, there you have it. As we take more close-ups, perhaps we'll post some more of those. One more full day in Nanchang, then we fly out tomorrow for Guangzhou and the final leg of the journey!
What a happy little baby!
Love the close-ups------next Grammy would like pictures of the family together--HINT!!
So glad to talk with you last night; what a nice surprise for dad and I!!
Give Sydney a big hug & kiss from Grammy & Grampa!
Love ya lots!
Thanks for my baby fix for the day!!
Absolutely wonderful!!!
We can feel the happy giddy vibes and are sending many happy giddy vibes back. We expect her to say "bid your hand" when she sees Mr. Claus for the first time. We just can't wait to see the family. We know your families get first dibs, but we can't wait to see Sydney (you two too).
Smiles, Hugs and Congrats.
This is my third try; computer won't accept password--
As I was saying for the third time--
I am so surprised at how I look forward to looking up Sydney's blog every day. It is the highlight of my day--I am even getting on the computer at 6:30 p.m. rather than 10 or 11 p.m.
It is like watching a family reality show; and I like reality shows. You just might have to continue this blog until Sydney is oh, say, about 18 years old.
Just think how America would love to follow this reality adventure--if they discover your blog, this reality show might have to go on for a long--long--long time.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Wow! What great pictures! Sydney seems like such a happy, friendly kid with lots of personality- it's amazing the great big beaming smile you can get out of her after just a few days! What a little miracle! We thank God for this gift which is above anything we could have asked for or thought about! And we are also thankful for the mother who did the hard, loving thing to give her to us! We are so blessed!
We'll be there soon! Love you all!
more... more...more...
please send more!!!!!
p.s. her feet are so cute, too!!!!
can't wait to take impressions for glass!!!
Hi Wendy and Brian,
Congratulations on Sydney! She's so precious and we know you will make great parents! It sounds like you had a very eventful trip to China. We wish you a very happy and memorable 2007 with your little girl!
With love from Southern California,
Karen and Michael Cass
Sydney is a Cutie pie ala mode.
We think that she looks a bit like Maddie! We showed Maddie those pictures and said, "That's your cousin Sydney, Maddie." We are so happy to see close-up pictures of her face! Even the little boogers are cute.
Get used to lots of shameless close-up pictures, with a cute baby like Sydney.
Glad to hear that she loves her daddy now.
It's so surreal to see these pictures. We've waited all this time and now you're parents!
We can't wait to see Sydney and Maddie playing together.
Congratulations to the new family.
Great photos of the snow-covered Great Wall.
I didn't get to visit the Temple of Heaven on my trip... the lowest character on the blue sign means "door" or "gate".
What ever happened to Ama and his episode with his passport that he lost in Tokyo? I've been concerned about whether or not he got to Beijing in time to meet up with his group and then travel to Nanchung to greet his new baby girl. Our prayers for his safe travel and to receive his new passport are in our hearts and minds. We hope he has been reunited with Joanna and the group. Let them know we are with them all the way. By the way, the pic of the noodle restaruant with all that good food was sure tempting. Who are the people sitting around the table? Are they part of your group? Is Ama there? Hope you send some more of those cute pics of Sydney. Good to talk to you via Skypes the other night Wendy. You can't beat 2 cents a minute! Take care. We love you all. Give Sydney a squeeze for me.
Dad (Wendy's side)
Hey guys!
Cutest baby in history!
We left a long message before but we are having connection problems so it didn't make it thru so we'll be brief this time and catch up when you get home.
Grandpa came over with pictures so we had to get to here and catch up!
We're very happy for you guys and we hope your trip hasn't been ALL business (looks like you've had some relaxing moments so far). See you when you get home, be safe!
Scott, Ronda, Connor, Bodie & Peanut!
Hey Brian, in case you don't get news of the playoffs, here's what happened today:
Colts 23, Chiefs 8. The Colts defense dominated the game, holding Larry Johnson to 30 yards rushing and the Cheifs to zero first downs throgh three quarters.
Seahawks 21, Cowboys 20. Seahawks came from behind, scoring a safety and then a TD off the free kick. Tony Romo fumbled the hold on a game-winning field goal with 1:00 left. It was a wild second half!
Joan & Bill said:
We agree, she is a precious little cutie. We are so glad to see the closeups. She has a beautiful smile. Keep the pictures coming.
Great diary to follow..She is a beautiful litte baby and so lucky to have such great parents. What a great adventure you will be able to share with her as she grows. She truly fits in your family, and can't wait to have a little baby in our family gatherings. Barb
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