Here are some pictures of the village we visited.

This is the outside of one of the houses.

This is the kitchen inside the house.

The children loved getting their picture taken, especially when you would instantly show them with the digital camera.
It was pretty humbling. It was also quite a contrast with the modern-style city of Nanchang, a "small" city of only 4,000,000 people. Apparently a lot of the men in the village work in the city and come back to the village at night to live. While we were in the village, we hardly saw any men at all. Needless to say, it was hard to see, but our guide told us (and we could see) that the people there were pretty happy, even though they had almost nothing. The kids followed us around as we toured the village, and the old ladies were very happy to see all the babies we were carrying around.
The next day, we left the Gloria Plaza hotel and headed to the airport. This was the place where Sydney decided to have a meltdown, much to our dismay. We think that she was hungry and tired, because we were traveling mid-day, so she missed out on a nap and her eating schedule was thrown off. Once we boarded the plane, she was mostly okay, and all of the babies did quite well on the flight. However, this flight was only one hour long, but we are all crossing our fingers that this is a good sign for the extremely long days of flying coming up...

Sydney's first airplane ride!
When we got to Guangzhou, one of the first things we all noticed was palm trees! Guangzhou is in a subtropical climate, and we have all been looking forward to some warmer weather. It has been in the mid to upper 60s here, so we are all very happy to finally be able to put our cold-weather gear away! Guangzhou is also a much more modernized city than any we have been to so far. It is almost easy to forget we are in China, especially while on Shamian Island, which is where our hotel is. Many of the buildings are of European construction in this little area.
We are staying at the Victory Hotel, and Wendy and I must say that this is one of the finest hotels we have ever stayed at in our lives! Most of our travel group agrees. The rooms are huge! What a fantastic place to end our journey.
Today we go to get a medical exam for Sydney and take care of some more paperwork. Then we will get to do some sightseeing around the city, and hopefully enjoy some warm weather!

The requested family portrait...

This was just too cute to not put on the blog.
Just a few more days, and we'll be home! Needless to say, we are all looking forward to that. The end is in sight! Or is it merely the beginning? Hmmm...
Great Family Shot! You make a beautiful family. I think we'll print and frame that one.
It was 76 degrees and sunny here in Philadelphia yesterday! We all went outside and breathed the fresh air. I think the flowers are confused, though. They're popping up already.
Dennis asked me to give you today's playoff scores:
Patriots 37, Jets 16
Eagles 23, Giants 20
- Toni
It must be a great feeling actually taking her with you. She is traveling with her family. Your first vacation!! Barb
We will be at the airport in Portland to greet you guys! We are flying in January 10th and will take you up on staying overnight at your place. Hopefully you haven't forgotten. {:=) We are in trouble if you have. Then on Thursday, we got a hotel through and found out that it is up north on I-5 near the junction of 205. We are staying at the Red Lion Inn (could be the same place we stayed when we helped moved you from San Mateo to Vancouver.). The latest pics are great! As I said before, Sydney is very blessed to be adopted by you, especially as you see the very poor conditions she came from. She will have more opportunities to develop and experience a much fuller life in a country with the greatest potential in the world. What a future to look forward to. You two are privileged to be a part of her future. May God's blessings be with you now and in the days to follow. Remember the Hebrew word I gave you at your wedding: HESED "The stedfast love of God". His love will never let you down.
we love you.
DAD and MOM (Wendy's side)
Omigosh! You three look wonderful together! And Wendy, Sydney looks perfect in your arms! What a sweetie! We can hardl wait till we see her in person!
Love, Mom
How wonderful for you guys! She is just beautiful and looks very happy with her new family already. I'm looking forward to seeing her when you guys get back and decompress from your whirlwind trip. Congratulations and a safe, and crying baby free, trip home.
okay... I am crying again...
you guys look so happy and content. I miss you and love you lots... welcome home!!!
Thanks for the 1st family picture!
Sydney looks like a seasoned traveler...comfy and cosy with Mommy & Daddy.
You all look so very happy.
Looking forward to Thursday when Sydney meets both sets of her grandparents at the glad to share this precious time together.
Keep posting the pictures---I still have a LOT of photo paper!
Love ya lots!
Mom & Dad,
Congrats! It's been a long wait and you guys look so happy. We love the pictures. Sydney is sooo
cute! We can't wait to see her.
Ryan and Karla:)
So much fun to see such a beautiful family. Your blog is great to read. I enjoy reading and looking everyday. I cannot wait to meet your sweet Sydney. She is so blessed to be able to have such wonderful loving parents. We are all so excited for you. You and Wendy seem to fit into your roles so well. Enjoy every single minute.
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