Sydney is the second one from the left, in the pink and white.

Sydney and Mama playing in our room.

Sydney and Mommy bonding.
So far, Sydney seems to be scared of Dad. I can't say that I blame her! I'm sure she's never seen anyone that looks like me before! We'll just give it some time; we've heard that sometimes they will bond with one parent right away, and it just takes a little while before they warm up to the other parent. So, Daddy is keeping his distance right now, because Sydney gets upset when I get close.
However, as you can see from the pictures, she is bonding quite well with Mommy in this first hour of us together as a family! She is playing with a ball, eating a cracker, drinking some formula and playing with a little stuffed Beijing Olympics mascot that Mommy and Daddy got for her in Beijing!
Sydney is very talkative! She is babbling lots of noises, which we interpret to mean that she is feeling pretty comfortable.
By the way, out of the five babies, she absolutely has the loudest crying voice of all! She is REALLY loud! So as long as Daddy keeps his distance, we don't hear that loud voice...
And now, the moment that the grandparents have been waiting for: the reveal of Sydney's middle name! Here is her full name:
Sydney Quan Pederson
So now you know! We'll try to post some more info and pictures as time allows.
I stayed up late to see Sydney--she's beautiful!
Will print these pix and share the good news!
We're all thrilled for the new family!
Looking forward to more pix!
We love you guys & are so very happy to welcome Sydney to the family!
Love ya lots!
Aha! I figured something was up with your earlier post, pointing out where you found "Quan" written somewhere.
Congratulations! She looks healthy and sounds happy. Man, what a journey. In one day your lives have turned a whole new direction. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Congratulations! It is clear that you are awesome parents and we can hardly wait to hug all of you. She is absolutely beautiful and so precious. Enjoy your moments together.
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your quest with us. You've made it feel like we're there with you. Enjoy Sydney and all the joy she brings. We look forward to meeting her.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
We're so happy for you guys.
We got back in town on Jan 1, so we haven't had the opportunity to check the Sydney blog. (Uncle Bill still has dial-up. Come on! Get with the program!)
DesireƩ and I both looked at her pictures together - me at work, she at home. What a great way to start the day. Sydney looks great. What a cute chunker. It's so wonderful that Wendy has started bonding. Don't worry, Brian - you're too cool of a dad to not get used to quickly.
Can you believe it? You're parents now. You're going to have a lifetime of incredible memories.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Mike especially liked the Godzilla statue, and is a tad bit jealous.
We're so proud of you both, and your perseverance! We look forward to seeing you and Sydney real soon.
Congrats! She's absolutely beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing this special moment and this blog with us ... so cool. We will probably never make it to China and yet with your words and pictures we have in a small way.
You guys are the best. I can't quit smiling, I'm so happy for you.
Take care and safe trip home.
Sydney is a doll! I'm not at all surprised that she has a loud voice...take heart, Brian, she's all ready to cheer with you at volleyball and basketball games. Wendy, the smile on your face in the photos with Sydney matches your smile the day you and Brian were married. John and Jimmy join me in sending good wishes and congratulations to all the family.
She is a cutie and Wendy is glowing.
Brian, she'll bond with you too, don't worry.
What an adventure, and now it continues!
I'm very happy that I have a new cousin. She's so cute.
hi aunt wendy and uncle brian!!! CONGRATS on Sydney!!!!! when r u gonna bring her home???????
gotta go---ANNA
Wow! We weren't able to see Sydney till we got to Mike's after chemo. What a joy! Hooray! And what a stunner of a middle name! What a tribute to the Quan clan! You amaze us with your generosity! It's perfect! She is an instant Quan! Wendy, I can tell you are a natural mom! Brian, I know there is nothing like a father-daughter bond; you will experience it soon! Wish we could grab her NOW! We love you so much! You two are fantastic - this is so right!
Love, Mom
OK GUYS, I can see that Sydney is going to be the dominant one in your family. When she speaks (or yells) she will get your attention! We can hardly wait to see Sydney and Maddie together. They are going to have so much fun. Sydney is a very fortunate girl to be chosen to be a part of your family and to come to the USA to live. What a story, from being abandoned and loved by no one to be accepted and loved by people who really care. You are the ones who are truly blessed. Sydney is truly a child of God who will be such a joy in your lives. Enjoy these moments for they will be cherished memories in the years to come. We love you and can hardly wait to see all of you. Next Thursday cannot come fast enough.
DAD (Wendy's side)
WOW!!! I am bawling like a baby! I cant even see to type, because of the tears... I am so happy for you guys. I dont even have the words... dad would know exactly what to say, but all i can think of is 'when can I come visit?'
luvs, susan
Joan and Bill said:
We are so happy to be able to share your joy on this momentous day. Little Sydney is precious and we are thankful to your dad for sharing this website with us. Sydney is a very lucky little girl and will be cherished.
Tom says 'hi and congratulations!'
Nick says 'he cant wait to see you and hold the little baby'
...did I mention that he is driving... aaahhhhhhh!!!! yikes we are getting old! dont blink cuz I swear Nicholas was just in diapers!!! it goes fast!!!
Brian and Wendy,
Congratulations, I am so thrilled to be invited to experience this wonderful event.
What a lucky little girl; I know you will all have a wonderful life.
I wanted to see the moment they placed Sydney in your arms.
I look forward to meeting Sydney, and pray you will all have a safe trip home.
I feel as if we really shared your trip with you. You did a fantastic job with the pictures and descriptions.
God bless,
Congratulations!!! What a fantastic day! I wish you ALL the best as you begin your journey home. I have to go get more kleenex ...
Congratulations to the 3 of you! What a beautiful family you are. Don't worry Brian, she will be yelling Dada soon enough. We are looking forward to seeing Aunt Mint spoil her rotten! Love, Denise and family
As you are already finding out, life will never be the same. And really that's what it's all about. Like you said about the Great Wall, trying to describe the joy, emotion, tears, and unconditional love for a new part of your lives, is inexpressible. She is the beautiful new part of your lives. Have a great rest of your trip and bring your baby home.
There is no one more deserving of such a beautiful child as you, Wendy and Brian. Sydney is very lucky to have such awesome parents. We can't wait to see her. I imagine we will have to get our name on the LONG list for our turn to babysit, though I haven't noticed anyone else in your family making babysitter "dibs". Maybe you should't have mentioned how loud she is. Grandparents should just find some things out on their own... (-:
A safe and speedy return to you. The Olsons
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