Last Tuesday, Jan. 30th, we returned to get some immunizations done and some blood drawn. We also had to collect some "eliminates" as our travel friend Lydia so affectionately calls them. Sydney did pretty well with the shots, even though she was crying and very red in the face. However, the blood draw didn't go too well - apparently her vein collapsed or something because the blood stopped flowing into the tube. This, after being poked five or six times with the shots, and then having a little tourniquet placed on either arm to try to find the best vein. Needless to say, we have to return later to try again. They did get enough blood to do a couple of tests. As far as we know, nothing has showed up that is of concern.
Here's Sydney after we got home from the Vancouver Clinic. Note the little wrap on her arm.

Sydney was completely exhausted from all the crying and stress. After crashing for a long afternoon nap, she woke up and decided to pick at her bandaids. She had several on each thigh. She also had a TB skin test on her left arm. You may be able to see the pen circle on it below. It's so hard to be a baby.

All in all, everything worked out. We still need to get more blood drawn but other than that, Dr. Lyons says she won't need to see Sydney until about 18 months of age. She'll get more shots though! Yikes! Poor baby.
Here's Sydney after we got home from the Vancouver Clinic. Note the little wrap on her arm.

Sydney was completely exhausted from all the crying and stress. After crashing for a long afternoon nap, she woke up and decided to pick at her bandaids. She had several on each thigh. She also had a TB skin test on her left arm. You may be able to see the pen circle on it below. It's so hard to be a baby.
Sometimes a nice warm bath can wash away all your worries. Sydney has already forgotten what she went through earlier.

Luckily, our brave girl bounced back the next day. Here she is having a rockin' good time on our recliner.

She was also very happy and grateful to receive some gifts in the mail from various friends and family. Here she is with a very generous offering from the Kendrick family in California.

All in all, everything worked out. We still need to get more blood drawn but other than that, Dr. Lyons says she won't need to see Sydney until about 18 months of age. She'll get more shots though! Yikes! Poor baby.
Wow! What a day for Sydney! And something to look forward to in the days ahead! (or not) She is such a happy baby, and she has to go back and face that villain doctor for some more jabbing. We hope and pray that there will be no more complications for this vulnerable darling baby. We can certainly identify with her and the "ordeals" of seeing that nurse with a 12 inch needle hearing her terrifying laugh. Give Sydney a great big hug and squeeze for us. See you Thursday. Love you guys! {:=)
MOM and dad!
Hey. It can be an ordeal with all a baby needs to go through with shots and blood draws. Did the doc let you know you could give her some baby Tylenol or Motrin right before going to the appointment? That way it'll be in her system by the time she gets the work done. You can always check with them before her next appointment to see if they think it's okay.
I would do that for Jimmy and Anna's well-baby checks when they were due for shots. It helped with the pain. They would still be upset ofcourse.
Anna still hates to get shots.
Jimmy is an old pro with getting his blood drawn, giving a play by play to the techninician every time he goes (he needs to go every 3-4 months now).
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