Just wanted to let whoever is out there know that Sydney took her first steps by herself today! Although we don't have video documentation, we have several witnesses (Grammy and Grandpa and Mom and Dad) who are happy to report that Sydney is almost there. And for you skeptics out there, no, it is not a hoax. She walks a couple of steps from person to person. She can also walk around the ottoman without help. And, she is also starting to do a modified crawl where she sort of rolls back and forth on her belly to get somewhere. Get ready, world!
Here are a few more pictures to satisfy your Sydney craving:
Here's cousin Maddie helping Sydney brush her teeth. Be nice...gentle...
Here's the cousins on their first stroller adventure together.

Sydney likes her finger puppet duck from the Olsons:

Just hanging out at the Mall in the 'Couv.

Our little girl is changing every day! We can hardly imagine our lives before January 3rd. And when we look back at those first few days with Sydney, we realize how far she's already come in two months. Isn't life grand?
Woo Hoo! Hooray! We knew Sydney was getting ready for the big step! Lock the cupboards! Keep everything above 3 feet! The world isn't safe from a marauding 1-year old! Time to put the squeaky shoes on - you'll never catch her now! How fun! We love it - and her! Thanks for blogging it - we almost feel like we were there!
Amen two times over to the comment above!
What a happy girl. And what happy parents! If you think the first two months have been great, just keep on enjoying. The first year is great, the first two years are great, the first ten... It just keeps getting better and better! It gives my great joy to see how happy you are. Thank you for continuing to update your blog, it really makes me happy. - Dennis
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