Mom and Dad went back to work. Boooooo. (Says Mom.) Sydney spends three days a week at Grammy and Grandpa Pederson's, where she gets quality time hanging out with people who love her almost as much as her own parents. Mom drops her off in the morning and Dad picks her up in the afternoon. Sydney gets to eat two meals there and also gets to play with cats. Lots of them. Well, two are real and the other hundred (?) are watching her from every room in the house. Sydney also gets to go wherever Grammy and Grandpa want to take her, including the emergency room at the local hospital where, RELAX, Grandpa and great-Aunt Marlys do volunteer work.
Sydney finally got to meet her Uncle Mike (Wendy's brother) and Auntie Desiree from Arizona, along with cousin Maddie who is 20 days younger than her.

With upwards of 50+ people attending our open house, Sydney met many new friends and family. She was a trooper, letting virtually anyone that wanted to hold her or walk her around. All that attention during prime naptime, no less! Her parents are overwhelmed and thankful to all who could make it and for all the gifts. We must say that cousin Jerry's gift stood out: a pink and black ball glove!
Here's Grandma Joe with the TOUCH: she mesmerized Sydney during storytime before bed.

Here's Grandpa Joe with his two granddaughters.
As far as progress goes, Sydney is now rolling all over the house. She still doesn't crawl, but there have been times when she gets on her hands and knees and head. She spends lots more time on her tummy and she will walk around our ottoman while holding on by herself. She also likes to do a trust roll off the bed or couch and into our arms.
She can now wave to people if they wave first, and also tries to copy our mouth noises.
Sydney has stopped drinking formula and is on to lactose-free milk. She has tried to drink water out of a cup but would rather sip it through a straw - although most of it dribbles down her shirt or goes back in as she blows bubbles. Today she drank some applesauce through the straw, like her cousin Maddie does. Very cute.
As for Ellie, I'm sure she can't wait till Sydney is walking. When Maddie was here, Ellie liked to follow her around and lick her. Sydney is now squealing with delight when she catches Ellie coming for her, or when Ellie and Dad rough-house and play-fight.
And such is life around the Pederson household.
Hey those are "precious pictures" that will make our iPhoto album. We can hardly wait til the two granddaughters are together again. Maybe we can all meet at Disneyland this summer. Save your pennies. Keep updating your blog. We'll send some pics to post if they meet your approval. Give Syd a great big squeeze for us.
Love you....
MOM and dad! {:=)
Great pictures! I've been checking the blog a couple of times a day now (okay, I don't have a life!) just to see Sydney over and over again. It's all I can do short of jumping on a plane to see you all again. Thanks for feeding my Sydney addiction!
Love, Mom
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