Puppet Mania. Those poor ones on her feet!

Silly Sydney.
Wow, it's been over a month since I last posted anything here. My apologies to those of you who keep checking for updates and being disappointed. Let's just say that having a three-year-old who is moving away from naps is taking up more of my time... yeah, that's it. Some days she skips the nap entirely, other days she'll take a 2-3 hour one. She's currently asleep and therefore I'm able to sit and blog.
Honestly, Sydney has been settling into routines of getting up with Dad, watching a little TV, eating breakfast (sometimes) and playing until it's time to go to Grammy and Grandpa's (Tues. through Thurs.). On Mondays and Fridays she and I eat breakfast together, watch a little TV, and go shopping (Costco, Target, Fred Meyer are the usuals). Just today we were at Costco where she loves the samples ("I need sampos, Mom") of food and snacks. Sometimes we share a hot dog and drink too - it's the best meal deal around. Seriously, where else can you get that for only $1.62?
Sydney is growing! Okay, that's a doll stroller below, but she is eating like a tapeworm and getting taller!
We try our best to get Ellie out for a walk, and Sydney sometimes walks/jogs the entire two miles! Hopefully we're instilling a love for exercise and being healthy. Which reminds me, we just started her in a toddler tumbling class (age range 18mo.-3 1/2 years) at a local gymnastics gym. After two weeks, we have already been told that she needs to be moved up to the next level. Apparently she is strong enough to do things that the 3 1/2 to 5-year-olds can do. The key is following directions...which is probably one of her biggest challenges. We'll see! And hopefully in the near future we'll have some pictures, because Brian and I believe that there's nothing cuter than watching her romp around, tumble, flip, or swing on a trapeze bar into a large foam pit.
Pump it up, Sydney!
Sydney goofing around with Erin Boyle.
Sydney and Meghan having fun with the tunnel.
Sydney "reading" to Dad. She is also really into jigsaw puzzles, completing 24-piecers "All by myself."
The other morning I caught her sitting on this box of dog treats, looking out the window.
And finally, here's Sydney singing "That's How You Know" from the Disney movie "Enchanted." Sorry that I cut her off, but it would have gone on forever...
i'm one of those who checks regularly. any disappointment melts away with such a darling new crop of pictures. sydney's cute as a freakin' bug! keep posting from time to time.
I am SO glad that Sydney is also entering the "I NEED it" phase. Mommy, I NEED candy! I NEED a sticker. Honestly, do they think that works? We get a laugh out of it, anyway.
Thank you for posting... we watch you!
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