Super Sydney turned three the day after the Superbowl! She wasted no time mentioning her birthday. The first thing she said when she got up and stood at her gate was, "Is my cake ready yet?" (Brian had made her birthday cake, his second Niagara Falls cake in two months.)
We spent her day taking Ellie to the dog park, playing on the playground, and eating whatever we wanted. Then for dinner we met Grammy and Grandpa at Red Robin, where Sydney got a song and a sundae along with three balloons. Cake and presents followed at home, with two big ticket items - a kid-tough DVD player and a kid-tough camera that actually takes digital pictures. She has already taken almost 100 pictures of the floor, the furniture and people's shirts.
Red Robin birthday sundae.
New Dvd player.
Frog puppet.
Grandpa and Grammy having some fun.
Sydney has hit her stride being three, almost completely potty-trained (no accidents in a couple months), asking "Why?" and replying "No" when asked to do things. She still likes to take off her pants when she gets home or at Grammy and Grandpa's (or wherever we are when she's feeling comfortable). She enjoys imitating us cooking, using her own little kitchen, and likes to bring us slippers, a blanket and a stuffed toy when we're lounging around watching TV. She is small for her age - 36" tall and about 28 pounds - but is not afraid to try new foods or jump daringly from the couch to the ottoman and onto the floor. She dances with her giant Minnie Mouse (is that an oxymoron?) and likes to crawl on Dad. Her Pooh blanket is still her most cherished item and will induce tears if taken away. She is generally a very happy, friendly, smiley girl and we are amazed that she is already three years old!
Ta-da! It's a tower!
1 comment:
What a cutie, growing up so fast, saying words that even I can understand. I wish my Gloria could be here to enjoy these pics and video. I miss her so much!
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