First off, as requested, here's a picture of Mommy and Sydney horsing around.

And there is something about a little kid squatting that warms my heart.

Some Sydney firsts: having the grass tickle her bare feet, falling upside down off the bed and landing on her head, tasting a pickle and a lemon (no go on both), talking like a monkey on the phone to Grandma and Grandpa Joe, pointing to and feeling her teeth at the mention of "time to brush your teeth." And when asked to "sit down", she will approach, turn around, back up and plant herself down next to us.
She loves her bath and has tried to get into the tub while the water is still running. She would rather do without clothes. She likes to be held and swung around upside down. New "words" she can say are "good girl (gooh guh), "wow", and "whoa". She will blow kisses to you if she sees that you are leaving. She will point to herself if she sees a picture of herself (that sounded a bit like Austin Powers...) More than five or six teeth are coming in at the same time and yet she isn't too fussy about it. She just drools an awful lot!
Here's our "biter biscuit baby":

This weekend we are dogsitting Sadie and Pepper, who belong to our good friends Chris and Shawna. They take care of Ellie any time we're out of town. Sydney gets along great with the "ruff-ruff-ruff"s. Sadie and Pepper are extremely patient despite Sydney flopping upside down on them and poking at their faces. Ellie is coincidently the only dog around here that continues to knock Sydney down. She just doesn't realize how big she is (Ellie, that is).
Here's Sydney flopping upside down on Sadie.

Here's Sydney with the dogs.
Here's Sydney listening to Pepper's heart. Perhaps a career in veterinary medicine?
Here's Sydney checking on Sadie and Pepper.
Couldn't resist this shot of Ellie and Sadie, who have epic battles and then crash hard. Or is a certain 1.25 year old wearing them out?
oh my goodness, she is the cutest thing EVER! i can't wait to see you all in person one of these days. it sounds like she and zanna are making all the same discoveries and taking all the same falls. zanna is very excited about belly buttons at the moment and also fell head first off the bed for the first time recently. thanks for the invitation to your blog.
I love Sydney's expression holding the cookie in her hand! Are you giving my granddaughter dog biscuits?
She's a cutie-patootie in that hat! Looks like you are having so much fun with her!
I love the pictures of our little beauty with the beasts. Maybe a career as an animal trainer? Zookeeper? Tell her there's a good zoology program at UCLA! Go Bruins! And Suns! And Diamondbacks!
Does Sydney want some Bobbleheads?
Love you all, Mom (Grandma Joe)
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