Sydney is So Big, as you can see.

She is getting more and more confident in her walking ability. She walks more than she crawls now, and along with that, she falls more too. Last Friday when Brian got home from work, she was walking through the kitchen to greet him and Ellie wanted to get to him first. (Ellie won.) Sydney biffed it, smacking her hands and face down on the kitchen floor. I thought she was okay until I saw the bloody mouth. She only cried for a few minutes and then proceeded to walk around some more, sucking the loose strand of skin that was hanging from her upper lip.
Here she is with her "bling" - a strand of beads and Ellie's dog collar.

The next day she was trying to get away from the Mommy-monster and face-planted on the carpet. This time only a little bit of blood was coming out of her nose. She disliked my trying to wipe her nose more than the pain of the bloody nose itself.
"Come on Daddy, I'm ready for my bath."

Generally, though, she remains fairly happy and even-tempered. Except when her new teeth are bothering her. She has about four or five coming in at the same time. And now she despises getting them brushed, when before, she enjoyed it. (They make kids' toothpaste really tasty these days.)
Here's Sydney, the aspiring dentist, working on Daddy's teeth:

Sydney continues to imitate things she sees and hears, such as facial expressions, mouth noises, and hand gestures (nothing obscene, folks). She tries to snap her fingers, "roll the dough" from patty-cake, and tickle her parents. She picks her toe-jam (sock lint) out of her toes, holds her brush up to her hair, and flips board book pages with ease.
Sydney discovered juice boxes this past week.

She also attended her first softball game. However, we didn't bring the camera. She had fun walking around with Grandpa Jim.
Here she is looking at her Bee-bo (belly button).

And finally, here's Grammy Kathie's favorite face:

P.S. Sydney's new favorite snack: baby Goldfish (the crackers, silly).
Wow, way to go keeping up with the pictures and updates. Impressive.
Music or singing(yes at 12 months my children didn't mind me singing as they do now) or having Sydney hold a favorite toy may help the squirmies during changing.
Sorry to hear she sustained an injury while trying to greet daddy. The mouth sure can bleed can't it?--a very vascular area, that and the head.
She continues to surprise and amaze you, I'm sure. She is so adorable and sounds very on-target developmentally which is also great.
Continue to enjoy!
One more thing, we need more pictures of mommy and baby! I know how it is, mommy is the one with the camera, but get daddy to take some pictures.
Can she get any cuter? Those smiles are A+! I love the belly-button search and the pre-dental school activity. A medical/dental career in the offing, perhaps? I agree with Toni on having a distracting toy or two in the diapering area to stick in her hands before she can flip over - but you've gotta be fast! And do I notice her hair growing? She looks like a little girl now! Time to get some hairbands and clips! We're ready to see some Wendypie hairstyles!
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