Family Day - Fu sisters on our red couch!
Happy New Year, Happy Family Day, Happy Chinese New Year, Happy Valentine's Day, Happy President's Day, Happy St. Patrick's Day.... Oh and somewhere in there, Sydney turned FIVE!

Sydney's birthday trip to Build-a-Bear!

Sydney at her preschool with best bud Sophia
Just call me Slacker Mom. I've neglected this blog, it's true. I was reminded that I needed to update this as, a couple of days ago, Sydney had her annual checkup to let us know that she's alive, thriving, growing, moving and shaking. She now weighs in at a whopping 35 pounds, which is in the "13.87% of growth percentile based on weight-for-age". She is 40.25" tall, which translates to "8.02% of growth percentile based on stature-for-age." Which really translates to the fact that Sydney is a petite peanut compared to all those giant white kids out there (sorry to sound racist - Brian likes to point out that Caucasia is an actual place). Based on those growth chart numbers, her projected height and weight when she's 20 years old will be around 5'2" and 110lbs., roughly my size. (Well, maybe not my actual weight, but my desired weight if I drop a few... more than a few...) But I digress. This is not about me.
Sydney has been plugging along, going to preschool three mornings a week, and going to Grammy and Grandpa's three days a week as well. She loves both places - although I think she likes the grandparents' house better, since she gets massive amounts of attention and the answer "yes" to most of her requests. She continues to be the social butterfly at her preschool, flitting from one group of girls to another "best friend" and being the object of a couple boys' affections. She chooses playtime with friends over arts and crafts. She also loves PE/gym time and gymnastics. We had our first ever parent-teacher conference - she's ready for Kindergarten!

Sydney hanging out with Glendyne at gymnastics.
After months of intermittently coming into our bedroom and sleeping on our floor, we decided to get Sydney a new bed and move her out of her toddler bed. Hmm, novel idea. It actually worked! Our big girl rarely comes into our bedroom at night unless she has a bad dream. She loves sleeping up top in her new IKEA bed with the canopy. And sometimes she takes a nap underneath, where there are lots of stuffed animals and pillows to get snuggly with.

"I love my new bed!"
One big milestone she achieved this past week: Skipping. For probably over a year, she has attempted the skip with no success. She couldn't get the alternating legs down. But last Saturday, at her hip hop dance class, she busted it out and skipped to the moon. Now, there's no stopping her. She's skipping everywhere.
In spite of the occasional eye rolls (which we're trying hard to nip in the bud), Sydney is our constant joy. I can't begin to describe all the times she makes us laugh, cry, and everything in between. Whether she's mentioning that "Bambi is out on Blu-Ray combo pack" or "Could you ask Lon if his kids are coming to bowling and then text us?", to wondering "what animal are we eating?", Sydney keeps us on our toes and already trying to stay a few steps ahead. Most likely she will overtake us soon.

Modeling her new nightgown and scarf as a pirate girl

Sydney on the bungee trampoline - No Fear.
1 comment:
You ain't kidding Phia is in the 95% percentile for height and 75% for weight.
Love the videos!!!
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