Hold on, Grandpa Joe!
After lots of rain, winter-like temperatures, coughing, sneezing, blowing noses, snow showers, and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Joe, we made it to Spring Break. Sydney had a good time bonding with her Arizona grandparents, although she was a bit clingy to Mama. We think it's because we changed her routine of going to Grammy and Grandpa's when Mama left for work. She seems to be mostly over the clinginess now. Talk about exhausting!
Sydney has always had a fascination with zippers, buttons and snaps. Here she is zipping and unzipping Grandma Joe.

Sydney loves her new bubble bath!

During one rare moment of sunshine, Sydney took Elmo and laid down in the warmth.

The highlight of Sydney's week (month? year?) was another trip to the Carousel at Jantzen Beach. She rode it three times, with Baba, Grandpa Joe, and Grammy and Grandpa Jim. The hardest part was waiting in line!

Baba and Sydney comin' around the bend.

Silly Grandpa Joe.

Hi, my adoring fans!

And finally, here's our diaper baby looking like she's up to something. Innocent until proven guilty?

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