I mentioned in the previous post that the weather here has been less than desirable. One day Sydney was snooping around her dresser and started pulling out some old clothes that we had saved from when we had first met her face to face. Remember the puffy pink snow suit?
Monday, April 21, 2008
It's My Potty (and I'll cry if I want to)
Well, our baby is nearing the end of the diaper era. Yep, you guessed it, she has now officially started "The Training." We were at Bed, Bath and Beyond last Saturday to pick up a new bathroom scale for our Biggest Loser Pinochle Group challenge (don't ask if you don't really want to know) and Sydney spotted a child's potty seat, the kind that just sits on the regular toilet seat (but is smaller so they won't fall in as easily). She instantly picked one up and started saying "poo-poo" and holding it behind her little butt. So Brian and I looked at each other and said, "Why not?"
After purchase, Sydney kept saying "Home poo-poo", and we still had to run some errands and eat lunch. By the time we headed home, she remembered the seat and said it again. We excitedly tore open and assembled (placed on the toilet) her new Elmo and Ernie potty seat, and Sydney took off her pants and diaper and we went to work. After a few pictures and minutes had gone by, (drum roll please) - SUCCESS! Sydney pooped and peed. Boy, it doesn't take much to excite us these days.
Here's our big girl with her new seat.

And here she is for all the world to see, happily pooping away...

For those of you who didn't know, Sydney has intermittently been pooping in the big toilet for about a year, but only when we could see from her facial expression and body language that she was in the process of working "it" out. We would then whisk off her clothes and diaper and hustle her over the pot to do her business. Occasionally she would even pee a little as well. But now that we've got this amazing little piece of foam shaped like a toilet seat and covered with Sesame Street icons, Sydney is motivated more than ever. Since Saturday, she has tried to go in the big potty a dozen times, with success about a quarter of the time. Her reward? Mini marshmallows. Who knew.
In the meantime, due to the crazy winter-like weather here in the Northwest, we have been cooped up inside our house for the better part of the month. This makes us all go a little crazy, but we have tried to find activities to keep us busy and also out of each other's way. Ellie has been very tolerant of Sydney even though Sydney can be loud and grabby.
Here Sydney is feeling Ellie's soft ears. Note the "Get me out of here" look on Ellie's face.
Brian has been working hard to finish his Master's classes - this is his last semester before his field study this summer - and it is quite a challenge to keep Sydney away from him when he is trying to do his homework. Here Sydney is wedging herself behind him because, well, she likes being with him.
Sometimes for a study break, Brian breaks out Guitar Hero. Sydney loves watching him play. She also provides an added challenge to the game by being in the way.

Rock on, Baby!

Friday, April 04, 2008
Carousels and Grandparents

Hold on, Grandpa Joe!
After lots of rain, winter-like temperatures, coughing, sneezing, blowing noses, snow showers, and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Joe, we made it to Spring Break. Sydney had a good time bonding with her Arizona grandparents, although she was a bit clingy to Mama. We think it's because we changed her routine of going to Grammy and Grandpa's when Mama left for work. She seems to be mostly over the clinginess now. Talk about exhausting!
Sydney has always had a fascination with zippers, buttons and snaps. Here she is zipping and unzipping Grandma Joe.

Sydney loves her new bubble bath!

During one rare moment of sunshine, Sydney took Elmo and laid down in the warmth.

The highlight of Sydney's week (month? year?) was another trip to the Carousel at Jantzen Beach. She rode it three times, with Baba, Grandpa Joe, and Grammy and Grandpa Jim. The hardest part was waiting in line!

Baba and Sydney comin' around the bend.

Silly Grandpa Joe.

Hi, my adoring fans!

And finally, here's our diaper baby looking like she's up to something. Innocent until proven guilty?

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