Hello out there, faithful blog-checkers. Apologies for the long span of time between posts. Understand that we are now the proud parents of a 24-month-old! Yikes! The time has flown by and we are almost in disbelief at this little milestone.
Here's the birthday girl, getting measured on her wall chart. Looks like she's about 33 inches tall. (No wonder she's reaching things we thought were safe...) She is also giving us her version of "two", with her ring and pinky fingers.

Our big girl enjoyed a nice loud dinner with Grammy and Grandpa and her proud parents at Red Robin, where she ate mac 'n cheese and had a nice hot fudge sundae. She had Grammy cackling, crying, and slapping the table with all her eating antics. She willingly shared her food with Ruff Ruff, smacking her lips and pretending to eat for him.

Say Cheese!

Sydney's spoon skills are getting better all the time!

She has recently developed a strong attachment to her Ruff Ruff and blanket, and will hardly go anywhere without them. Many a car ride will result in tears because she will fling Ruff Ruff or drop him and won't be able to reach him, and Mama or Baba can't either. Talk about heartbreaking.
Anyway, Sydney was a happy camper when we got home to one of her best presents yet - Elmo.

She doesn't watch a lot of TV due to her short attention span and our parental shielding, but she likes parts of Sesame Street and parts of some of the Playhouse Disney shows. But her attention span is off the charts when we put on High School Musical! It's quite the phenomenon. She calls it "Ha Co Cul" and actually requests it. She knows when Troy and Gabriela are breaking up and says "owie" while thumping her chest. She prefers the sequel to the original and even tells us to turn the first one "off" right before the last song. She will grab her baseball glove when the big baseball game song is on. And of course, she dances like a fiend whenever she hears the upbeat, peppy numbers.
But I digress. Back to the birthday. Here she is blowing out her candle and sharing cake with Elmo.

Sydney made it through her second year of life and is now going full speed ahead! Look out! (After she rests in her new Sesame Street sofa-sleeper, of course.)

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