We got a visit last Saturday (the 9th) from cousins Mark and Anna Quan, who were in town for a wedding. Coincidently, the groom of the wedding they attended happened to be the brother of a teacher at Brian's school. Thanks for the outfit and the soccer goal! She's on her way!
Here's proof for all that Mark and Anna were here:
Here's Sydney and Baba just chillin', watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Sydney just likes the first minute and the last minute of the show with the music and dancing.
Here's our little noodle princess:
Sydney fits perfectly in our laps!
New words Sydney says these days include "hat" and "hot". She still picks up little tiny bits of crumbs and trash, but they don't necessarily go right into the mouth; she brings them to us to throw away. One of her favorite foods is edamame, and she has taken a liking to raisins, which Mama can't believe. Speaking of Mama, she seems to have replaced the word Baba with Mama and now calls both of us Mama. Oh well. There you have it. How apropo, for Father's Day!
What a joy to see you three so happy! Look at how your lives have changed in the last year! You guys are such great parents, and Sydney is amazing! I love seeing how much you love being a mom and a dad (no matter what Sydney calls you)! We feel so blessed to be able see it!
The day did come and you are very happy!
Sorry you were sick but glad Sydney only had a fever and then was fine.
Take care.
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