Long, long ago, Wendy decided that she would grow out her hair until we got our referral. Well, how was she to know that it would take over a year after she said that before we did? This actually worked out well, because her hair was long enough to donate it to an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients that have lost their hair. Wendy did this as a tribute to her mom, Gloria, who will have to wear a wig for the rest of her life due to the chemotherapy she has to go through again.
Here is Wendy getting her long hair cut off!

One last look at the long hair!

The cutting begins...

Here is the hair!
Wendy is now mailing the hair to
Pantene Beautiful Lengths in Wisconsin, where they will use her hair to make a wig for a woman who has lost her hair due to cancer.
Mom and I are impressed with your blog website. I am trying to register with google.com to be able to respond to your blogs. Mom's computer does not have a window like this to register in order to respond to your blog. How would she do this on her computer? DAD
Wendy, with your new haircut you'll blend right in with the Chinese ladies. That's how my sisters and I had our hair cut before we immigrated to the US in 1953 :) My brothers aren't as techy so we had to wait until they returned with their precious daughters to see their digital pictures. We'll look forward to more pictures and will definitely be praying for a speedy and uncomplicated adoption process in China. What a wonderful way to allow your friends and family to tag along with you and Brian as God leads you on this lifechanging journey. Bill and I are so excited for your family!
Aloha from Honolulu-Judi & Bill
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