I have yet to see any comments on my return to blogging. That's okay. I just wanted to document some thoughts and things. Like I said earlier, I will not likely post many photos here. But I feel like I have to get things down in writing (?) before I forget. Some things may not be too significant. Some may even bore you. Thanks for reading, if you are.
Yesterday we visited our good friends, the Hawkins' family. Short history: Steve and Tressy have two kids, Xander (6) and Lucy (almost 5). We have all dreamed of the girls becoming lifelong friends ever since we brought Sydney home. (Xander is also included in the mix. In fact, he is such a sweet, smart boy and so incredibly nice to Sydney that we all half-jokingly talked about arranging a marriage.)
For three years, Sydney and Lucy have had a love-hate relationship. Chalk it up to age and immaturity. We have had to leave their house with one or both girls crying. But not last night! Sydney and Lucy played unbelievably well together. I won't go into the details, but there were no tears, only lots of laughter and hugs. Mark this day down in history!!
Recently we have been strongly emphasizing "Good Choices" to Sydney. It's amazing what a little positive reinforcement and a lot of reminders can do! I've even caught myself being less stressed about her behavior because she is making those good choices. And she's so much cuter when she's happy.
Cowgirl Sydney with her friends and their horses!