Naptime for babies!
We're now in the middle of November - Mom's birthday to be exact - and Sydney is now two and three-fourths years old. She went to her first football games, got her first haircut (finally) and is wearing fewer diapers than ever. She is also getting sassier and more independent-minded, telling us "no" more frequently and defiantly, and ignoring our instructions almost constantly. Sigh. For the most part she is happy and therefore, so are we. She likes to sing "Do-Re-Mi" and requests to "Chase Dad" (or Mom) every evening after dinner.
Sydney and Grandpa at a Union HS football game. She liked dancing and clapping to the band.
Getting ready for her first haircut with Karie, Grammy's stylist.
Helping Karie pick and comb.
Here we go! Sydney was very calm and curious.
Touching her cut hair.
Success! Posing with Dad and Grammy.
The next day was Mom's turn at Fringe Salon in Battle Ground. Dad's colleague Lynette's sister, Dani, owns and operates it and took good care of Mom. Take one more look before the hair gets chopped!
Wendy donated over eight inches again to Pantene's hair donation program, which makes wigs exclusively for women with cancer.
Foil time!
Sydney was spoiled rotten at Fringe Salon, getting three gigantic balloons and all the candy and cookies she could ever want. One of the balloons got away...
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Go, Titans, go!