May has just about come and gone - Mother's Day seems like months ago and Memorial Day is tomorrow. We endured temperature swings of 90s-100 for a few days (while Mama was fighting a gastrointestinal thing, coincidentally) followed by a drop of 30-40 degrees with temps in the 60s. Ahh, weather in the Northwest. Could be worse, I suppose. Sydney doesn't seem to care if it is hot, cold or warm, wet or dry. She just plugs right along, facing each day with all the energy you'd expect of an almost-28-month-old. Pants optional, of course.
These days she is testing both her limits and our patience! We have realized that her reach is greater than ever and she now uses her climbing ability to get to places and things she shouldn't. We are having to keep more doors closed and pry things from her little mitts frequently. "No nap" is a term she often uses. She has also gotten into trouble several times for telling us to STOP talking while we are trying to have a conversation, either with each other or with other adults.
On the positive side, Sydney is using her potty seat every day at least once or twice! Her new motivation is a bite of chocolate. She is also ready to go for a walk when it's time to take Ellie out - she would rather walk than ride!
On the positive side, Sydney is using her potty seat every day at least once or twice! Her new motivation is a bite of chocolate. She is also ready to go for a walk when it's time to take Ellie out - she would rather walk than ride!
Sydney received a nice tea set from Grandma and Grandpa Joe last Christmas, and she has only broken one piece so far. We haven't put any real liquid in yet, just O's cereal. Here she is playing tea set with her duck and her elephant.
Pouring the O's.
Pouring the O's.
Here you go, Elephant.
I'll help you with your trunk.

Brian planted some tomatoes and peppers yesterday, and Sydney was there to oversee the operation. She helped remove some rocks and spotted bees for us ("bees" being an all-encompassing term for any bug except for ladybugs).

Excavation and rock removal. (And is that a great squat or what?)

Don't forget to mark what you planted.

Sydney using her gloves and visor from Aunt Marlys.

Excavation and rock removal. (And is that a great squat or what?)

Don't forget to mark what you planted.

And finally, here's Mama using a hand massage roller thingy on Sydney. It's the simple things in life that make us happy, yeah?