Hello Sydney Blog Fans,
Does anybody really know what that song title means? I just picked it because Sydney is now 25 months old. Does anybody really care? About time??? Okay, enough of the Chicago lines.
Meanwhile, since her second birthday, Sydney has visited the pediatrician again and found out that she is 33 inches tall and 25 pounds! She got several more shots and was very brave for the whole ordeal - only crying momentarily. She also visited the dentist for the first time and was brave for most of the appointment. She has 18 teeth, and two more supposedly coming in on the top in back.
Here's our big girl on the swing at our neighborhood park. Look at those size 5 feet (nearly size 6!).

Sydney is slowly but surely building her vocabulary. She now parrots us all the time (watch what you say, people!) and babbles with meaning and conviction. Apparently she was paying attention when I was singing Old MacDonald to her one day, because Grammy and Grandpa reported that she was singing it at their house the next day.
She seems to be quite possessive - every other thing is "Sydney's" - but will share nearly everything. But don't you dare take away her ket-ket (blanket). If you take it, tears will come. Her new favorite snack is "cheese puffs", which she now clearly asks for often. She also still asks for High School Musical every day, but lately we have branched out and watched Toy Story. She now calls it Buzz.
Here Sydney is giving a welcome kiss to her new elephant, Horton. Note her other favorites on her Elmo couch with her: Ruff Ruff, Bullseye and her ket-ket. She is also wearing her favorite socks which she calls "dotdots" (due to the nonstick dots on the bottoms).

Meanwhile, this past weekend we got to meet cousin Diane from Nashville for the first time! We were only wary of her for about 20 seconds, and then by the end of the weekend we didn't want Diane to leave.
Here we are playing Night-night at Grammy and Grandpa's.

Here's our happy family with our new favorite cousin Diane!

Sydney really really liked Diane.

I mean, really really liked her!

And finally, for now, here's Sydney imitating Ellie licking her leg.