Here's a small gathering of friends and family at Salty's seafood restaurant. Susan, Chris and Shawna, and Grammy and Grandpa joined us for a nice dinner. Sydney probably ate about 10 packets of oyster crackers. The most exciting part of the evening was witnessing a man going into seizures and collapsing at a table near us. Luckily a nurse was there and the ambulance came within minutes.

The birthday bash continued the next day with some friends over for a Wii bit of Fun!
Here's Karla and Denise slugging it out in Wii Boxing.

Sydney loves to play with the Wii remotes!

And here she is playing Guitar Hero.

Now on to Thanksgiving, part One. We spent a nice evening at our friends Chris and Shawna's on Thursday.

Sydney liked just about everything on her plate - especially the turkey and the mashed potatoes.

Sydney liked Chris's son Corey.

Shawna's grandma Edna has a walker that Sydney discovered. Can you see it now - future Olympic gymnast?

Part Two of Thanksgiving was a full turkey dinner prepared by Brian for a small gathering of family and friends.
Sydney enjoyed her first sparking grape juice, her own bowl of ice cream, and piggyback rides on Barbaros and BJ.

All in all, a lot of food, fun, friends and family. What more could one want during the holidays?
Sydney says "Gobble, gobble!"