Sydney is now a whopping 20-month-old who is starting to develop some sass! She has now somehow acquired "The Look." All you parents out there must know what I'm talking about. Luckily, most of the time when she's giving "The Look" she really isn't too terribly mad and will get back to her cheerful, laughing self in no time. She is heavy into imitation these days, and Grammy reports that Sydney sits and puts on "makeup" while watching Grammy do it. Her vocabulary is about the same, although she tries to repeat words constantly. She is getting better at using her fork and spoon in combination with her other hand, and is gradually drinking from a cup without the lid. Ooohhh....
For your viewing pleasure - The Look.

Here's our normally happy girl pretending she's in the Middle East.

Grandma and Grandpa Joe came for a visit and got to spend lots of quality time bonding with Sydney. They even got to babysit for two full days while Wendy worked. Sydney thoroughly enjoyed new faces to play with and places to go. She's been to IKEA four times already, and spent a good amount of time at Costco sampling the foods.
Here's her first taste of a popsicle. She ended up liking whatever flavor Grandpa happened to have in his hand.

Here's her first ride on a carousel! She liked it so much, she rode it twice. Then she got back in line again even though it was time to go. Note the one-handed grip, leaving one hand free to whip the horse or wave to the crowd.

We took a drive to Crown Point in the Columbia Gorge. Sydney liked the view.

Grandma Joe and Sydney are color-coordinated!

Squatting with the grandparents.

Sydney loved pushing Grandma's buttons - literally. Camera buttons, to be exact.

Here's Sydney playing with Grandpa.

Finally, here's Sydney drawing with crayons. We are beginning to think she may be right-handed. Note the technique!