Sunday softball continues thru the end of the month, and league bowling just got underway. What day is it? What month is it? What time is it? I guess it really doesn't matter to a small, 19-month-old child who just loves being alive and well in America.
Or should I say, loves eating her way through the days in America? Our little tike, as you know, enjoys her food. Good thing she burns it off by running around so much. Of course, it is sometimes a challenge to keep up with her!
Here she is giving her favorite sign - "food". And, based on her expression, she's no doubt thinking, "Turn off the camera and get me something!"

(Usually she is standing back there behind her high chair, peeking around it, and giving us the sign from the kitchen.)
Here's our big eater on Labor Day, eating her first corn on the cob with Grandpa's help.

Here's dessert!

Sydney attended her first Vancouver SausageFest, a family tradition. She ate everything - sausage, corn on the cob, kettlecorn, and more sauerkraut than Mama.
A bite of sausage, please...note the grabbing of the fork.

My new favorite vegetable.

Mmmm, sauerkraut.

Sydney continues to beg for the cherry tomatoes from our garden. Today she ate four. Can hardly wait to see how that turns out in the end.
Sydney has really been bugging Ellie lately - sometimes she just won't leave Ellie alone, and thinks it's funny when Ellie growls at her. She usually only wants to give Ellie hugs, but Ellie can't seem to get away fast enough.
Here's a rare moment when Sydney went out in the backyard to kiss Ellie, and Ellie didn't move.

Sydney likes to mimic everything she hears these days. She can now say her own versions of "grass", "tapioca", "Skipper" (neighbor dog of Grammy and Grandpa's), "Ellie", as well as understanding a host of other terms like "somersault" (which she can now do successfully). She continues to babble like crazy, with her voice inflecting, and we often wonder what is going on in that big head of hers. As I mentioned above, she is turning on the speed, and tries to elude us whenever we need her to get dressed or get going.
Here she is this morning, trying to get into our shower, wearing two sets of pajamas. The purple shirt is around her waist and the second pair of shorts is partially below her diaper butt. She put these articles of clothing on herself, of course.

Finally, here's one of Sydney's and Mama's favorite spots.